Oct 2023
HL1 Magazine Issue No 7 Release

Exploring Hawaii Craft, Culture, Living and Insights
Dive into highlights of the latest release of HL1 Magazine. Lucky No 7.
HL1 began with a list of client’s names written on a whiteboard in our then-headquarters in Hanalei. What started as a relatively informal client discovery process has since evolved into a journey of inquiry. Once we started asking questions and adjusting our representation based on the answers, our curiosity only deepened. Regardless of our clients’ backgrounds or demographic profiles, or their varying degrees of wealth, the proverbial Venn diagram of their values, interests, hobbies, lifestyles, personalities, and even their media-consumption habits has revealed some powerfully distinct intersections. It’s those intersections that led us to publishing HL1 Magazine.
Of course, no single edition could cover the full breadth of the ever-changing zeitgeist of our clients—though judging by the sheer thickness of some of our previous editions, we’ve certainly tried—but we can offer glimpses of insight into the essence of these rich intersections.
Now, nearly a decade later and in our seventh edition of HL1, it is with heavy hearts and hopes for a better future that those interests include shining a light on the Hawai‘i Community Foundation’s pivotal role in supporting ongoing relief and recovery after the devastating fires on Maui. In this issue’s Market Report, which has been appropriately truncated, we discuss the reality and impact of Hawai‘i’s collective attention being nearly completely occupied by recovery efforts and the ongoing impacts of the fires.
Contents: Insights, Sueda, Preis, A Perfect Day, Moloka‘i 2 O‘ahu, Maui Strong, Waimea, Collection

For those missing our historical infographics and more comprehensive high-end market data, rest assured that we have that information—perhaps too much of it—at our fingertips. But in the interest of the half-life of this edition, we’ve opted to provide high-level insights into the current markets across the island chain—both in the context of the post-pandemic market swings as well as the historic tragedy of the fires.
In such a time of reflection, we also take a moment to appreciate “Things of Beauty,” an intimate look into the personal collection of fine art consultant and curator Kelly Sueda.

We also examine the radical legacy of architect Alfred Preis, whose artistry and visionary influence can be felt across Hawai‘i’s built environment. And to keep the inspiration and intrigue of real estate voyeurism alive, find a primer on the rural charms of Waimea.

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Perhaps more from a place of much-needed self-care than escapism, we also bring you a photo essay shot over the course of a day on the north shore of O‘ahu, offering a glimpse of some of the customized experiences that await from sunrise to nightfall during a vacation rental stay.

Finally, in the spirit of moving forward, we asked rising star Jack Ho to recount the journey that led him to crossing the Ka‘iwi Channel at the 2023 Moloka‘i 2 O‘ahu race. Now, more than ever, we’re inspired by his determination, courage, and faith in what lies ahead.

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Issue No 7 also shines a spotlight on a handful of exceptional properties by HL1 Directors and Members showcasing a variety of living from across the island chain.

Creating a magazine like HL1 is a journey of collaboration and discovery, one that brings together a diverse array of talented writers, artists, photographers, and contributors. With each issue, we embark on a new adventure, exploring the vibrant tapestry of Hawaii's culture, landscapes, and stories. Alongside our readers, we peel back the layers of this magnificent place, living through the lens of Hawaii and Hawaii real estate. Together, we uncover the hidden gems, the untold narratives, on-the-ground insights the unique perspectives that make this corner of the world so enchanting. It's an honor to curate and share these experiences with you.
Contact your HL1 agent to receive a copy of HL1 Magazine.

Read the Lastest HL1 Magazine Here: HL1 Magazine No 7 published on ISSUU
Want to read more from Issue 07? Take a deep dive into Market Insights from Hawai‘i Life CEO Matt Beall.
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